
School Yearbook Tips: Recruiting Your Team

Approach your school yearbook project as if it were an actual business (looks great on a CV too). This means you’ll need to assign specific job roles to give everyone their own area of responsibility. Feel the power!

Where to begin we hear you ask? Well we’ve put together a list of school yearbook tips for the types of job roles you could consider:

school-yearbook-tips-staff-repThe Staff Rep


  • Decides who will have access to edit the yearbook.
  • In charge of signing off the completed yearbook.
  • Generally oversees students.
  • Pays the final yearbook bill to Boomerang Ed.


school-yearbook-tips-editor-roleThe Editor


  • Decides on the content that will be included in the leavers book.
  • Coordinates each member of the team.
  • Ensures that all deadlines are met.



school-yearbook-tips-art-directorThe Art Director


  • Oversees the page designs.
  • Decides on the order of yearbook pages.
  • Coordinate which students works on which page.



school-yearbook-tips-copy-editorThe Copy Editor


  • Gathers, writes or delegates all copy (text) for the yearbook.
  • Makes sure all copy has been proof-read.
  • Ensures that all copy is supplied on time by other students and staff.



school-yearbook-tips-photo-editorThe Photo Editor


  • Takes photos at school events.
  • Collects photos from other students who want to contribute to yearbook pages.
  • Checks through all of the photos before adding them into the yearbook.



school-yearbook-tips-sales-marketingSales & Marketing


  • Sells the yearbook concept to other students.
  • Comes up with ways to advertise the yearbook.
  • Keeps everyone updated with the yearbook process.



school-yearbook-tips-financierThe Financier


  • Collects payments from students.
  • Collects payments from possible sponsors.
  • Keeps accurate records of finances.


We hope you found these school yearbook tips on recruiting a team useful. Head on over to our school yearbook page for more information on our leavers yearbooks.

Happy recruiting!

Boomerang Team