
A Few End of Term Ideas to Help Keep Pupils Focused

As the end of term fast approaches, we’ve put together a few classroom ideas to (hopefully) help with student concentration levels in those last few days…

Musical chairs:


At the beginning of the lesson, try asking pupils to move to another area of the room and switch seats.

A change of perspective combined with a bit of movement can be a simple but effective way of keeping students alert.

The art of letter-writing:


If you’re looking for a quieter classroom activity, why not ask students to write a short letter to themselves, reviewing the term/year and making a New Year’s resolution?

Encouraging this type of self-reflection can be a beneficial way of rounding up the year and a resolution should help with motivation too.

What have you learnt?


The often-dreaded question…however it will certainly boost concentration levels towards the end of term.

At the beginning of the lesson, tell students that they will need to tell you one thing they have learnt before they leave.

Branch out from the usual:


Sometimes the change of pace of adding a broader or more general question into the mix can help to keep pupils engaged on the lesson subject matter.

For instance, you could broaden a literary question about a set text by applying it to a recent film or television programme.

Over to you:

We’d love to hear your end of term classroom ideas for both primary and secondary – just leave a comment below or drop us a tweet 🙂

The Boomerang Team.