Boomerang Homework Diaries
Boomerang homework diaries, as well as recording homework and developing time management skills, contain a wealth of content, designed to support teaching and learning.
We work to stimulate student interest as well as assisting in the meeting of judgement criteria set by Ofsted: specifically spiritual, moral, social and cultural development, promoting pupil safety, preparing pupils for employment and helping to create a positive ethos. They also include:
Key Dates
The week-to-view calendars in our homework diaries highlight key relevant historical events and contemporary domestic and global dates of interest.
Carpe Diem
All of our 2016/17 secondary and sixth form homework diaries feature an introduction page to what we call Carpe Diem – directing students to an online directory of amazing opportunities, initiatives, competitions and events designed for young people in the UK.
Our 16+ range of homework diaries contain an official UCAS advice section including key dates for the university application process as well as more in-depth advice on preparing Personal Statements.
We’ve included a useful ‘What Next’ section for alternatives to life after school as well as information on work experience and further education..
Our 2016/17 Secondary Design homework diaries feature bold, colourful page designs inspired by 12 ancient, traditional + tribal art styles from all over the globe.
Growth Mindset
For 2016/17 working with our consultant expert Elizabeth Holmes, we are exploring the ground-breaking concept of Growth Mindset. We’ve also teamed up with advocates of the Growth Mindset from Dame Kelly Holmes to Sir Ben Ainslie to feature inspirational biographies in our homework diaries.